RYA Dinghy Start Racing Course » Day 1 of 2 Cancelled
This event is part of the RYA Dinghy Start Racing Course group.
Click here to book
Course overview
Having learnt to sail you may wish to start racing and join a club. The RYA Dinghy Start Racing course takes you through the fundamentals of getting off the start line and round the course, introducing the basic skills needed to enter your first race or have fun with friends.
Junior Members £75, Junior Non-members £105 (Lunch not included)
Adult Members £95, Adult Non-members £125 (Lunch not included)
Course pre-requisites
Sailing and knowledge to at least the standard Stage 3 in the Youth Sailing Scheme
Course duration
2 days or equivalent number of sessions
Minimum age
8 years
All the skills required to start club racing, including basic start sequences and timing; improved tacking and gybing, using the 5 essentials to best effect and having a basic understanding of the racing rules.
Qualification gained on successful completion
Able to take part in small race in good conditions.
The successful candidate is awarded RYA Start Racing certificate.
Predominantly afloat but with some classroom elements.
Student / instructor ratio
What's included
- Lunch
- Training materials and equipment
- Course handbook, certificate and syllabus/logbook
What you should bring
- If you already have a syllabus/logbook, please bring it with you, including any certificates attached inside.
- For our intermediate (Stage 3 and 4) and advanced courses, we like you to use your own Topper if you have one. Please make sure that your boat is rigged and ready in time for the start of the course. If you need to borrow a club boat, please let us know.
- Suggested kit list:
- Buoyancy aid of correct specification (one will be provided if you do not have your own)
- Correct seasonal wetsuit or drysuit
- For inclement weather, a waterproof outer spray top or coat, trousers and base layers are recommended
- Appropriate enclosed footwear, i.e. wetsuit boots or trainers that can get wet. Crocs and open-toed shoes aren't suitable for sailing.
- Appropriate seasonal hat
- Gloves - sailing or thin gardening gloves
- Swimming costume and towel
- Sunscreen
- Water bottle
- Change(s) of clothing
Last updated 2:11pm on 12 February 2025